An AGM was held at: 

Stadium Meeting Room
Pure Athletic Stadium, Rosedale Park
Jack Hinton Drive, Albany

Sunday 20 July 2025 commencing at 3.00pm

The below position are at the end of their 2 year term. 
We are accepting nominations for these positions for election at the next AGM.   

  1. Club President
  2. Club Captain
  3. Junior Club Captain

We will also be asking for names of those who would like to join the committee.  A committee member is for a 1 year term and can be renewed there after. You will be part of the great team, help in a number of different areas, have your say, make real change, attend committee meeting (monthly) and have voting rights on aspects of the club.  

CLICK HERE to put forward a nomination for yourself for one of our officer roles or to join the committee. 


To read more about the roles of the committe members please see the ECB Softball Club Constitution May 2023
section 13, 16 and 17.


Our ECB Softball Constitution sets out our principles, objects and rules by which the organisation will operate. Details the day-to-day management of an organisation or the procedures by which the principles or objects are to be implemented can be included in by-laws, regulations or policies.  

ECB received it's official certificate of incorporation on the 17 August 1977 and we are still going strong.