Kia ora everyone, 

East Coast Bays United Softball Club would like to call a Special General Meeting (SGM) for all it's members on Saturday 20 May at 1pm.

WHY: SGM is for members to vote on a change to the constitution. This proposed change will allow us the flexibilty to hold the AGM in July giving us more time to prepare for the season ahead.   

At this SGM we will also present a proposed committee structure which will break down and define some of the current committee roles, as our club grows.   

WHEN: Saturday 20 May 2023 1pm
WHERE: Rosedale Park, Pure Athletic Stadium Meeting Rooms (above the stadium seating)
WHO: All financial members of the club are welcome to come and vote


We have a proposed motion to put to our members for vote.  It is proposed that Section 25.1 of East Coast United Softball Club Inc be changed as follows;

25. Meetings of Members
25.1 AGM: the Club must hold an AGM once every year at such time, date and place as the committee determinds but shall be held on the 3rd Saturday or Sunday in August each year, a date not being later than the 31st of August. 

25. Meetings of Members
25.1  AGM:  the Club must hold an AGM once every year at such time, date and place as the Committee determines.  AGM shall be held on a Saturday or Sunday between 01st July and 31st August each year, a date not being later than the 31st of August

To view the current ECB Constitution CLICK HERE

We look forward to seeing you there. 



30 April 2023 - Junior Prizegiving 
06 May 2023 - Senior Prizegiving
20 May 2023 - SGM Special General Meeting - Proposed AGM date change 
18 June 2023 - Winter Slow Pitch Starts  

We are working on a winter training schedule, so will advise once this is confirmed. 

If you have any questions at all please contact

 ECB Softball Committee 


ECB Softball Contacts:
Michelle - Club Secretary 
Suzette - Club Treasurer and Acting Secretary
Vikki - Junior Club Captain
Katrina - Club Captain
Andrew - President 
Uniform team - Bronwynne